Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What are some negative side effects of childbirth during your teenage years or any other years :P ?

Teenage years you're actually (physically) in your best state for childbirth (unless you're VERY young, when it can be dangerous, I mean mid-teens onwards). The older you get, the riskier it gets, but really within reasonable age brackets most women are able to recover from childbirth very well these days. Of course there can be complications and there are too many possibilities to list. But if you're talking about the negative effects of a normal, healthy, complication free childbirth, the negative side effects are minimal, it's mainly aesthetic things such as saggy/stretchmarked skin (rather a side effect of pregnancy than labour though)... your vagina can end up looser if you don't do your pelvic floor exercises, you can have tearing of the perineum or labia (I had one of each, not fun!), and if you have a very serious perineum tear this could result in necessary future caesarians (my friend has just been given that news after a 4th degree tear). Otherwise, if you've had no complications as I said then once it's over, it's over, your mind does a great job of forgetting the pain over time and it's a very empowering experience for a woman to have been through labour!What are some negative side effects of childbirth during your teenage years or any other years :P ?
Stretch marks and I've heard of this girl who had heart failure doing labor, but her baby was beautiful.What are some negative side effects of childbirth during your teenage years or any other years :P ?
stretchmarks that don't help your Image at all!!

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