Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My 17 yr old teenage daughter brought home a report card with all E's, what consequences should I impose?

Already took use of the car away before this. If grounded, how long? Does that mean absolutely no social life at all for that time period? The reason I ask is last time I grounded her she fell into a depression after about 3 weeks of being grounded. She doesn't stay out late (9:30 curfew) and doesn't do drugs or drink, she has a boyfriend who is moving away in June and she is upset that if grounded that means she will never see him again.My 17 yr old teenage daughter brought home a report card with all E's, what consequences should I impose?
You need to tell her how her life will be if she continue to do poorly in school. Does she want to be a bum or someone who is successful? (or something like that)My 17 yr old teenage daughter brought home a report card with all E's, what consequences should I impose?
talk to her, ask her what he problems are, dont get aggressive at any stage, usually its not punishment that works, no problem is usually solved like that, maybe she ahs problems at skool, maybe she cant concentrate enough, maybe the thought that her bf is leaving is diturbing her, grounding and stuff like that is only a temporary solutiion, The best way is for u and ur daughter to talk, dont sdirectkly jump inot this topic, be patient, talk to her as if u were her friend, u two can work this out together, u seem to be a ncie person and ur daughter seems to b sensible as shes not into drugs or sutmhin unlike most of the wayward teengers today, u two just need sum time to solve this prob. good luck!..and have a great week
When a kid fails every class, this is more than just a disciplinary problem. The girl is completely out of touch with the school she is in. You need to talk to her school principal and find out whether they can do anything to help her. If not, offer her the option of quitting and getting a job vs. going to a different school. But don't let her quit and just hang out; she has to get a job.
whats an E? well if its really bad, then ground her for like maybe 2-3 weeks i'll say
If she is doing poorly in all of her classes, there may be more to the problem than meets the eye. It sounds like she is a good kid. I doubt that she wants to get bad grades. You should sit down with her and have a long talk to try to get to the bottom of it.

When you talk to her, don't raise your voice or threaten her with punishment if the grades don't improve. She might have a genuine problem that requires the help of a trusted adult. Maybe she is depressed. It could be that someone is bullying her at school. Tell her that you are there for her (don't assume that she already knows), and that she can talk to you about anything. If you show a little patience and understanding, I'm sure you can work through whatever problems she is having.
a report card with all E's? E's for grades or conduct?

with the conventional grading system, E grades dont exist.. but E's in conduct are very good
She should have thought about how she'd react to grounding before she chose to blow off her education. You could work out something where istead of indefinite grounding, all priviliges are earned, on a daily basis, as long as she shows you the school work she completes each and every day. You need to be available to look at the quality and quantity of the work, and then decide what, if any, privilige she has earned. You need to stay in contact with the school, and make sure she's doing all assigned work.
This is a battle that you simply must when. Slacking in School will only lead to slacking in life. This has got to be a, to get what you want, I get want I want situation. She may hate your guts for it and make your life a living Hell. But, in the end she will thank you for not letting her give up. Sadly you may be on your death bed before you hear it, but that is how it usually works.

Honey you have to tie her down until she is responsible enough to be turned loose. We are talking about an irrational irresponsible child here. Personally I'd ground her until you and her teachers think she is cured. If you don't win here you'll regret it the rest of your life.
thats a tough one, because really, all grounding her is going to do is piss her off, it wont bring her Es up. i would ask her how SHE is gonna solve the problem. say it in a nice way, not a demanding way if you know what i mean. if she says ';i dont know'; (a typical teens response) tell her to go to her room and think about it until she comes up with a good way to fix the problem. that really isnt grounding her because she is the one who controls how long it lasts. but let me let you in on a little insight. when i was 16, i too had a curfew of 9:30, and i drank and smoked pot, did a LOT of things that my mom had no idea about until much later in life. she had no clue. i was very good at covering it up, i had good grades, i worked, i was a ';dream'; teenager in her eyes, but behind her back i did a lot of bad things, i just never got caught. so you may want to look a little deeper into things with your daughter, she could be doing things that you dont know about. i wish you good luck with this.
Okay, your child has an IEP, but do you know when she is up for review? If she is getting all E's, which essentially mean F's, that means something in her IEP isn't working, or teachers aren't following the IEP as they should. Are her regular teachers even aware she receieves services? I would take a look there and see if she needs to have her goals looked at again. As a parent you can request an IEP meeting at any time. I would also suggest working out some compromise. For example, let her go out with her boyfriend, but agree that to earn that she needs to work with you (or a tutor) for 30 minutes, or whatever. I don't know what her IEP is for, but if she has difficulties concentrating or retaining information, keep things short. Break lessons into portions, and concentrate on getting one thing done at a time. Good luck!
I guess the E isn't for excellent. I thought grades were A B C D and F. Well let her see him one last time. Make an exception and put her back on punishment after he's gone.
dont ground her, ground ur self. But help her and sit with her so she studies and ask her q %26amp; A unless she gets it.
A bad report card doesn't necessarily mean she's a bad person or that she needs to be punished. It just means that she isn't learning what she should be. And there could be any number of things that is causing this. Punishing her seems to be doing more harm than good. Try sitting down and talking with her and try to figure out ways you can help her improve her marks.
i played around in school one time. my grades were bad.

my parents but me on restriction from everything which helped me. i did not get off until my grades were pulled up. it did not kill me that restriction and i am still here years later.
You could force her to do lots and lots of chores if you're going to punish her (which is probably a good idea). And don't blame yourself for the card, it's HER fault.

Also, what's the problem? Was she just not doing her work? Did she just not understand the stuff?

Just make sure she does to fix it.

By the way, are there any 17 yr old daughters that aren't teenage?
Yikes! I'd say a visit with a doctor, shrink and possibly a change in schools were in order. But this is a bit drastic and it sounds like your daughter doesn't need the extra stress. But it is possible to talk to her teachers or even a guidance counselor. However, take the guidance counselor's advice carefully, they don't see students everyday and they don't know us. Maybe you should also consider talking to her friends if at all possible.

Have you considered the way you ask to help her with her homework? Typically, we teens pick up on tone a lot more than we'd like to admit. And it sounds like your punishments are just, but it sounds like they just aren't working. Like I said before, perhaps a visit with the doctor or a shrink is in order.
none maybe your are to lazy to 6take the time to teach her no one to blame but your self
First she needs a tutor. Second, talk with her school counselor and her individual teachers. You need to monitor her homework and her school activities. Also, why are you asking this now, at the end of the semester? Ask yourself why you haven't recieved any progress reports. If your daughter gets depressed after being grounded, it's her fault yet she might be trying to get YOUR ATTENTION. How much time do you and her spend together? You need to be a parent first, friend second. You can ground her and have her boyfriend COME OVER for a few hours at a time. But you really need to go to her school and find out what is going on.
I have been a teacher for some years and I have never seen and E as a grade, grades are only A, B, C, D, and F. E's stand for excellent.
First of all what my parents showed me that changed my ways and opinions about school and how important it was to go to college and have a successful Carree first they told me the job i would receive if i continued to do poorly then they gathered information on the cost of living for a cheap apartment and other bills and by the stats i saw i quickly realized that i would barely survive at that rate and that from there on opened my eyes to my future if i continued my habits in school. As for the boyfriend i think it would be the right thing to do to let her see him. But also remember to set other boundaries and make sure she doesn't cross them and to tell her all actions have consequences and she must pay them. So far it has changed my outlook on school and have pledged to do better my sophomore year in high school

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