Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Do parents hate their teenage children?

I haven't liked my mom since i was 5 years old. Now that I am a teenager it's getting worse. She just loves to ruin my love life then she gets on the phone and tell other people about it and what she did. Just cause she might not like her own life doesn't mean i can't like mine. Why do parents do this do they just hate their children who are teenagers.Do parents hate their teenage children?
OK, maybe some of what she does is for your own good, but if she is bragging to all of her friends about it, she could be extremely narcissistic or have ego issues.Do parents hate their teenage children?
Every teen thinks at one point or another their parents, especially their mom, hates them. I used to think that, but now that I'm a little older with 2 little ones of my own i now understand that everything my mom did was to keep me safe and protect me, even though i didn't get it at the time. The day you have a child you will learn what it's like to truly love someone more than you love yourself, and what's it's like to worry all the time about them. My mom once told me she hadn't gotten a good night sleep since the day i was born, and now I get it. I go to bed worrying about my children all the time, what could happen to them, their health, etc...I'm glad that my mom's still here on this earth so I can tell her that I now get it. Some of my friends have lost their moms and when they had children and finally saw the light, it was too late to apologize to their mom and say thank you for everything.
Are you kidding? Parents love their children more every day. Mine are 32, 27, and 18. Love means doing and wanting what is best for your children, not always giving them what they want.

I do want to add this; parents are human and sometimes they have emotional problems that effect their relationships., along with physical, financial, etc. problems.Tell you mom how you feel, ask her if there is anything you can do to improve your relationship. It's worth a try? Good luck
well i can tell you about parents that truely hate their child. my parents hate me and have since the day i was born. they never wanted me. im the second child of 2 and my older brother is perfect in there eyes. he can do nothing wrong. they had him and thats all they needed. when i was born i was seriously an after thought. they honestly didnt care what i was doing and stuff like that, even when i was little. my older brother is the one who took care of me. he's the one who loved me. he made sure i was taken care of, that i had my bath before bed, that i had dinner, that i was home when he said i needed to be. and he's only 9 years older then me. he was the only one who cared enough to disapline me when i screwed up. my parents really didnt care. they didnt even bat an eyelash when he told them he was moving to the US(were from Canada) and he was taking me with him. the basically couldnt get rid of me fast enough. that is what its like to have parents who hate you.

im not trying to take over your question and make it all about me. im just trying to make you see that you dont have it so bad at all. your mom sounds like she loves you and just wants you to be safe. thats not hate at all. my parents call my house all the time...to talk to Kris(my brother). if i answer the phone, they'll say put your brother on. if hes not home, they just hang up. not even a hi Alyssa how are you or anything. be glad you have parents who care. cuz it sux when they dont.

i love my brother with all my freakin heart. and he loves me just as much. he's more like a father then a brother and if it wasnt for him, i dont know what my life would be like. he makes my life normal.
To protect you because they care for you

You will understand one day

Your friends that does not have that, wish they did, I was one of them

Does some parents go to far, yes

Does some teenagers go to far, yes

Give your mom a break, she is doing her best
Maybe its just your mother that is like this. Mine was not nor am I that kind of mother. And everyone that I know that has teenaged children are not like that.

I think its just your mom.
Dude, my parents love me and I love them and I'm a teen.

So don't stereotype other parents just because you don't like your mum.

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